finished ‘TIME’ magazine front cover

time magazine coverThis is my finished ‘time’ magazine front cover. As you can see from my previous post i made some changes and added a few column inches to the cover. I made sure that the magazine’s heading ‘time’ and lucy’s eyes were above the fold to make it look like a realistic magazine cover.The heading is in a fixed location and the serif font is bold, capitalized and red matching the covers boarder which makes it look effective and more professional. The image bleeds off the page which works well within the whole composition of the magazines cover. The eye level shot of Lucy is an effective shot to use because it gives the effect that she is looking directly into the readers eyes which instantly makes the reader feel involved and that’s important for a magazine as it captures the readers attention which will make them feel intrigued and want to look inside it.  I added in a caption “Towie star Lucy Mecklenbourgh” and quoted “i hired a personal trainer after my split with mario” because that actually happened. This caption will appeal to her fans as know exactly what the caption implies. I also added in a column inch ‘tumble’ and quoted “im so glad billy was my partner” because this lets the audience know that the story inside the magazine will feature Lucy’s ‘tumble’ experience and again it appeals to her fans. I also added in the ‘results with Lucy’ logo as Lucy’s recent publication in the media has been to do with her fitness regime, which lots of people have been interested in therefore by adding her logo to the bottom of the magazine cover it will appeal to various amounts of people. Lastly i stuck to a 3 colour scheme as it looks more professional and doesn’t make the whole composition to overpowering with colour. The boarder and title had to be in red as we had to imitate a copy of a ‘time’ magazine front cover. I then choose to use pastel pink and white for the column inch and captions as the pastel pink compliments Lucy’s lip colour and her nail varnish, the white font breaks the image up and doesn’t make the magazine look to pink and red. I also choose white font as it is a natural colour and contrasts against Lucy’s hair.

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