Magazine Style Models

I have found three style models for my own music magazine. I like features of each and will try and replicate them into my own magazine in order to make it look as professional and realistic as possible.


No titleThis particular NME magazine is a style model for my own magazine as it represents the POP/R&B genre of music which is the same genre as my magazine. I like the use of colour cohesion in this magazine which makes it stand out and look effective. For my magazine I will try and create the same background as I think it look professional and different. It is versatile because it hasn’t just used a plain backgrounds which most magazines tend to do, it contrasts the light and dark shades to create a unique background which I like. Therefore I will aim to replicate this element into my own magazine.

Another element I like about this cover is the image. I like the fact that is isn’t just a head and shoulder shot and that you can see Rihanna’s body language and stance, this works well with the background lighting and is in a good location within the cover which bleeds off the page and Rihanna’s head is above the fold. I may use a medium shot like this one for my magazine.

I’m not to keen on the use of magazine title, column inch and callout because in my opinion there not in a great location especially the text of RIHANNA in the centre of the page. It takes up to much space and covers too much of the image, hence the reason why I won’t be replicating the use of text from this ‘NME’ magazine.


tumblr_kwexhagO5s1qahlg8o2_1280I also like the cover of Billboard magazine. I particularly like the way the title is presented across the top of the cover in a fixed location. The way some letters have been filled in with colour is unique and very effective. This is my favourite feature of the magazine therefore I shall replicate this element into my own work. However, when I create my own music magazine front cover I shall hide some of the title with the image like some issues of Billboard magazine has done. I think it is an interesting look and represents that the magazine is very recognisable without the need to have the whole title visible and obviously I want my magazine to be recognisable therefore will replicate this feature also.

I like the whole composition of this magazine. I like the way the image is positioned over to the right of the magazine bleeding off the whole page, meaning that the blank area to the left of the cover is filled with a column inch and a callout. Therefore no text is completely covering the image.  Therefore this may be something I replicate from this Billboard magazine.

Rolling Stone

xI like this particular Rolling Stone magazine because the layout of the magazine is unique and the positioning of the image works with the text. Again i like how a section of the heading is hidden by the image of Rihanna, this shows that the magazine is so well known that the whole title doesn’t have to be on show for people to recognise the magazine brand. This feature is something i am going to replicate within my own magazine cover.

Another reason I like this magazine is down to the colour cohesion. The natural black, brown and orangey tones work well together to create a warm simplistic feel to the magazine. The bright red title stands out which is quite effective.

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