Design Specification

Essential criteria:
Should include all the functions of a magazine and keep the magazines theme consistent throughout. Lastly the magazine should successfully fulfil its target audience and clearly show the genre of magazine.

Desirable criteria:
Price, How many times should the magazine be issued, participation in the magazine, prizes, magazine articles, features of magazines you specifically like, type of font, colour scheme, male or female artists featured on the front cover, famous artists to include in my magazine.

I gave 15 people my questionnaire to help me out when designing my cover in order to make it suitable for my target audience and genre of magazine. I used various questions to get ideas about things I wasn’t too sure about, for example I asked ideas about what type of font I should use, how much I should charge for my magazine, colour schemes and things to include inside my magazine. I asked 9 girls and 6 boys to get quite an even variation of results.

Price: As my target audience is typically aimed at females aged 16 and over, they would have a tight budget. 10 out of the 15 people I asked said they would pay £2.00-£2.50 for the magazine. 4 people said they would spend £3.00-£3.50 on the magazine and 1 person said they would spend £1.00-£1.50. Therefore as the majority of people said £2.50. As the majority of music magazine cost around £4.00 my magazine will have a slightly lower budget meaning it won’t feature as much content, but as long as I include all the key magazine features and promote my magazine it will still be successful.

Issue of magazine: 8 people said that they would prefer a monthly issue of my magazine, 4 people said they would prefer a weekly issue and 3 people said a yearly issue. Therefore I shall make my magazine a monthly issue, this means the content of the magazine will feature more information and events etc. as a lot happens in a month. This will also enable me to make the magazine as good a possible for the budget I have.

Participation in the magazine: 12 people said if they had the opportunity to take part in magazine competitions then they would the other 3 people said they wouldn’t wish to take part in anything. From this information gathered I have decided to feature competitions in my magazine so the audience can get involved this will also make my magazine more unique in comparison to other magazines such as NME and billboard, which are 2 of my style models for my own music magazine.

Prizes: some of the responses I had back to winning prizes was a chance to win an iPhone 6, massive speakers and stereo system, the chance to meet celebrities that are featured within my magazine and to win albums.

Magazine articles: From my feedback 6 people said their favourite type of magazine articles is to read music reviews. 5 people said they prefer reading album reviews and 4 people said they like reading interviews. Therefore I will be sure to include these sorts of magazine articles within my own music magazine to specifically interest my audience.

Features within magazines: this was an open question I gave 6 examples of music magazine covers which I liked and asked people to state what they liked and disliked about these magazines. I picked out things that the majority of people said about each cover and wrote it in the boxes below.

IMG_0151 IMG_0154

Type of font: I chose 5 fonts that I particularly liked and from my feedback 8 out of the 15 people I asked said that Broadway font will look best as a heading for my magazine. I am a bit indecisive about using the Broadway font so when I come to put my magazine cover together I will consider using other font’s as well.

Heading Format: I asked a question regarding whether or not my heading should be covered by the main image like Rolling Stones and Billboard magazines do, 12 people said yes it should be a bit covered and 3 people said no it doesn’t. I like this feature and think it looks effective when the heading of the magazine is slightly covered therefore I will replicate this and use this feature in my own magazine.

Colour Scheme: 8 people said that my colour scheme should consist of vibrant colours featuring red, black white and orange/browny tones like the rolling stones cover of Rihanna. 6 people said I should use a red, white and black colour scheme and 1 person said to make it black and white with a coloured heading. I personally like the colour cohesion in the Rolling Stones magazine of Rihanna and the people I asked said that too therefore I will use a colour scheme very similar to this.

Front Cover image: I asked which sex should feature on my front cover, male or female. 7 people said male and 8 people said female. I think that with my genre of music both sexes will be relevant in maintaining the genre therefore I can use either male or female but I will most likely use a female image to be on my front cover.

Content inside my magazine: my last question was to do with the type of artists that should be featured in my magazine. From my responses, Chris Brown, Tinie Tempah, Trey Songz, Rihanna, Beyoncé, Iggy Azalea, Kid Ink, Eminem and Jay Z.

Music magazine case study

here is my Music Magazine case study. I have chosen to look at the Rolling Stone magazine as there are many different components which i like about this particular magazine. Another reason i chose to do my case study on this brand is because i feel that this is a very similar style and genre to the music magazine that i will be creating. Therefore there will be features from this magazine that i would like to replicate into my own work that will allow me to make my magazine as successful and relevant to my chosen genre as possible.