Double page spread – complete

download double page spread finished

Since my last post, my double page spread has  come together. I have added the text in 3 sections to make it look professional and also added a grey puff behind the text to boost the colour. The next step was that i added a big “s” behind the text as a double page spread that i did an analysis on have this feature and i thought it looked very effective. Additionally i had this feature on my contents page as well so it is effective unique feature that i have maintained throughout my magazine which gives my magazine a unique identity. Also i decided to make the “s” pink as i wanted to keep the same colour scheme throughout my magazine. I then added the text “rising superstar…” in pink font to boost the colour. The last step, was the puff in the top right of the page. I decided to make it yellow because i had a yellow puff on my front cover, again i wanted to keep the same colour scheme.

Overall i am very happy with the outcome of my double page spread. In my opinion I think that I have made it look very professional and unique which is what I was initially aiming for. A big feature of my piece that i particularly like is the pink “s” behind the text, this is effective in terms of my piece being that it is a unique feature. Additionally I have maintained the same theme throughout my contents page and double page spread by including a big letter of the background of my piece. Also i also like was that i made the first letter of my text bigger than the rest. Many double page spread’s do this so it was something i wanted to replicate into my own piece to add profession.

So here we are, this is the end of production regarding my music magazine. Throughout this process I have learnt a huge amount about Photoshop and InDesign, which will serve me well with any future projects. However, I will stop here and save the rest for my evaluation, which will be the last thing I need to publish in order to finish my AS media Blog.

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