
Here is my evaluation of my entire project, summed up with images and text zooming around thanks to prezi. My evaluation consists of the reasoning and thought behind the process of my magazine and what institution i would choose for it to on on sale for (if this was a real magazine of course)The presentation took me a while as this was the first time i used prezi so it took me a while to get to grips with the software. however once i knew how it works the making of my evaluation was fine. Click on the link below and see it for yourselfs…


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my as media coursework is now complete.

Improvements – double page spread

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The improvements i made to my double page spread consisted on adding in puffs, shrinking my font size, adding more text and changing the heading of the page. These small changes made my double page spread look more finished and links to my magazines genre. The heading is a callout, this feature is more enticing for readers and which will make them want to read the article.I made the text smaller as real double page spreads have small font therefore i replicated this to make it realistic and professional. Additionally i made the first letter of the first word even bigger than how i previously made it as it creates an eccentric look that works well within the composition. I have also added a callout within the main chunk of text to break it up a little and this also acts as a hook for glance readers. The big ‘s’ has become more bold and wide making it stand out more. The puff on the left page brightens the image up and makes it more detailed, lastly the puff on the right page works well as it fills a blank space but also provides the reader with important information. I am happy with the improvements i have made on y double page spread, a it now looks more bold and professional, and importantly maintains the same colour scheme as my contents page and front cover.

Improvements – contents page

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I completely re-did my contents page in order to  improve. The composition and layout wasn’t working as a whole and the cohesion between my front cover and contents wasn’t easily identifiable and it is so important to maintain the same brand identity throughout the magazine which is why i decided to make another contents page. As you can see I kept the “subscribe” feature in the bottom left corner as i thought this worked well, although i did change the colour to make it bold and stand out more. I realized that i needed more photos as the one i used was to blury, so i used some of the photos from my previous photoshoot to include into contents page which makes it look more professional, and it reinforces the idea that my exclusive article is about Sara (who was featured on my front cover)

I like the way i have divided up the sections through the blocks of colours, which makes the text easier to read and find for the reader. Additionally the clear “features” and “exclusive” sub headings again separates the sections and makes the whole composition have a professional look to it unlike my previous contents page. The heading “contents” is much more easy to read by having it positioned horizontal along the top of the page compared to how i positioned it before. I was trying to be too created and i don’t think it worked well as it was quite hard to read. The improved version of my contents page carries on the same colour scheme as my front cover which makes it much more effective and realistic. I am now happy with the final outcome of my contents page. The extra work payed off…

Improvements – front cover

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In terms of improvements for my front cover, i have lowered the callout “Sara” so that it is off her shoulder. The reason for this was because the main representation of the R&B and POP culture was that women tend to have a bit of flesh showing when they are pictured on the front cover of magazines, therefore this representation comes through when the text is lowered slightly and all in all i think it works more effectively as a composition.

I have also adjusted the callout on the right side of cover. I have removed the titles of their songs as i didn’t like this feature in the end, i replaced that by adding a colourd shadow around the artists name. I think this looks effective as it goes with my colour scheme and it looks more pristine and neater which works better. Lastly i removed the small boxes on the left hand side of the cover beneath “new tour dates inside” and “MTV choice awards” as i thought i was to much and it didn’t particularly add anything to my magazines composition. These small improvements make my magazine look neater and more professional, i am now happy with the final outcome of my front cover.