Improvements – front cover

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In terms of improvements for my front cover, i have lowered the callout “Sara” so that it is off her shoulder. The reason for this was because the main representation of the R&B and POP culture was that women tend to have a bit of flesh showing when they are pictured on the front cover of magazines, therefore this representation comes through when the text is lowered slightly and all in all i think it works more effectively as a composition.

I have also adjusted the callout on the right side of cover. I have removed the titles of their songs as i didn’t like this feature in the end, i replaced that by adding a colourd shadow around the artists name. I think this looks effective as it goes with my colour scheme and it looks more pristine and neater which works better. Lastly i removed the small boxes on the left hand side of the cover beneath “new tour dates inside” and “MTV choice awards” as i thought i was to much and it didn’t particularly add anything to my magazines composition. These small improvements make my magazine look neater and more professional, i am now happy with the final outcome of my front cover.

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